Architecture, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture, Sustainable Practice
LEED Certified by the U.S. Green Building Council
Our team includes many LEED-accredited professionals, with specialized knowledge across disciplines.
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is the most widely known green building certification program in the world and can be credited for bringing “green building” into the mainstream. As of 2021, there were over 110,000 projects participating in LEED and nearly 24 billion square feet of registered and certified projects. That is a significant collective step in the right direction, and it will continue to inspire change on a larger scale.
LEED is a great way to become familiar with sustainable design practices for all types of projects. It is a tiered, point-based system that translates to different levels of certification: Certified, Gold, Silver, and Platinum. A series of checklists makes it easy to figure out a path that works best for your project’s specific needs. Its credits address the topics of climate change, human health, water resources, biodiversity, green economy, community, and natural resources, with most of the credits relating to operational and embodied carbon.
Our team consists of many LEED-accredited professionals, and we are happy to help you find the best strategies for your project.
Learn more at USGBC / LEED.