Episode 046
Downtown Lowdown
with Don Blakeney of the Downtown Seattle Association
January 7, 2020
The design community in Seattle, and others across the country, are attempting to resolve their civic present with their urban future. It’s up to architects, planners, developers, and designers to listen to communities and shape the city to serve its people. But what does that mean when some see downtown Seattle as a response only to tourism and the bridge and ferry crowd? How do we develop and preserve Seattle’s unique nightlife along with the exponentially growing transportation demands? More importantly, how do we retain the natural beauty of our city and still, literally, reach for the sky with the office spaces of the future?
If you prefer a read, rather than a listen, hang tight: soon, we will add a transcript of this episode here. In the meantime, we hope you’ll give listening a try. Pop on those headphones and tune in right here, or listen on your favorite podcast app. Enjoy!