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Other Tangents

Life of an Architect

Shout out to another blogging architect: check out "Life of an Architect" for a good read.

March 31, 2011

I read a lot of blogs, and I find that a lot of them are pretty useless or not very interesting. Especially architecture ones. I've always thought that some sort of screw was missing up in my brain that found blogs extolling the virtues of barren and cold spaces as wonderful places to live. (For the record, I love a good modern design, I just hate modern designs that suck the living soul out of the space.) But this blog, Life of an Architect, is about my favorite blog. The guy has a great style of writing, and humor that brings his full self to the table, and you really feel like you're having a conversation with the guy. As someone who tends to write how I talk (i.e.; I can write a LOT), I really appreciate this guy's style. More importantly, he tends to humanize the architectural profession, which is really damn refreshing. Architects...wait, I'll make an "I" statement...I'm an architect and I'm a human. I appreciate others like me.

Take a look at this blog, and add it to your Google reader or RSS feed. By the way, if you don't know what those words are (I didn't up until about two years ago) Google that and get it set up, it will make your life and web browsing SO much more enjoyable. I've enjoyed the blog, and I think you'll as well. And one day, this blog will hopefully be half of what that one is.

Really, this guy is great. Read it. (And, for the record, I have never met this guy, and get no sort of kick back from this, I'm just really impressed).

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